Hay una nueva puesta de 2 huevos en la caja 6S4. Desde hace un par de semanas se observaba una pareja de cernícalos durmiendo regularmente en esta caja nido. Hoy he podido comprobar que ya han puesto dos huevos. Todavía no parecen haber iniciado la incubación. Por la tarde los huevos estaban solos. Ahora está la pareja durmiendo en el nido pero no parecen incubarlos, se limitan a "taparlos". Con frecuencia los primillas esperan a haber completado la puesta para iniciar la incubación.
There is a new two egg clutch in nest-box 6S4. There has been a couple of lesser kestrels sleeping regularly in this nest-box. Today I have been able to see that two eggs have been laid. The eggs were alone when I first saw them in the afternoon. Now the couple is back at the nest but they are not incubating. They just cover the eggs. Lesser kestrels frequently wait until they have completed the clutch to start incubation.
There is a new two egg clutch in nest-box 6S4. There has been a couple of lesser kestrels sleeping regularly in this nest-box. Today I have been able to see that two eggs have been laid. The eggs were alone when I first saw them in the afternoon. Now the couple is back at the nest but they are not incubating. They just cover the eggs. Lesser kestrels frequently wait until they have completed the clutch to start incubation.